
Thursday, 14 August 2014

Day 5 #100dayshappy

Day 5... 14th August 2014.

#100 Happy Days - Day 5

I haven't been feeling very well so I have been at home on my laptop watching TV and eating these amazing things..BN biscuits! :D
And how could an amazing tasting biscuit that has a happy face on it not make you happy? haha

Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Day 4 #100dayshappy

Day 4... 13th August 2014.


#100 Happy Days - Day 4

On this day about 16 years ago would have been my godfathers wedding day. Unfortunately he passed away about a year after that day so when my parent reminded me of this and handed me there photo album of that day, he did bring me comfort to look back to such happy moments. I decided to capture my photo of these two images thought because these are the family members that I have the most memories of and these two photographs are two of my favorites ever.

Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Day 3 #100dayshappy

Day 3... 12th August 2014.

#100 Happy Days - Day 3

After my second official shift at my job, whilst walking home I was accompanied by the beautiful sky that evening. I don't know why I love the sky and the always enchanting colours and patterns created that are infinite. 

Monday, 11 August 2014

Day 2 #100dayshappy

Day 2... 11th August 2014.

#100 Happy Days - Day 2
Today has been full of rain and wind and I have been indoors so I decided to watch TV and then drink this white hot chocolate. Who would have thought that a small cup of hot chocolate drink could bring you even the tiniest amount of joy. haha

Sunday, 10 August 2014

Day 1 #100dayshappy

Day 1... 10th August 2014.

#100 Happy Days - Day 1.
Today was my first day at my new job, well my first ever job actually. I was really nervous and I got there a bit early and waited for it to open and decided to capture this image of my new place of work - The Body Shop. For me it actually really represents to start of a new time in my life. I feel like it is going to change slightly but I think this is a good thing. I feel like I have got too comfortable and I need to challenge myself to do more to make me feel more happy within myself. 

Friday, 8 August 2014

Not great...

For some reason since I finished my second year of university I have not been feeling great...

Emotionally I feel all over the place and I don't know why really. I think it might be a combination of a lot of different things. I feel like so many different things are all happening all at once, whether that is all in my mind or knowing that I don't have a lot of time to do things. I do feel like I am running out of time for a lot of things, with my 20th birthday coming up, my last year of university about to start. Becoming an adult and having to figure everything out and knowing all the answers is something that has been scaring me and worrying me a lot!

I don't want to miss opportunities and only realise I have when they have passed me by and it is too late but I now find myself worrying so much about this that it still happens anyway.

I've just been feeling pretty lonely and not worth a lot really. I think everyone in the whole world at some point does not feel good enough but when that feeling becomes a regular pattern within your emotions and thoughts for a great period of time it can become extremely tiring and draining mentally and physically.

Getting my life in some sort of order is probably the hardest thing and I find it so much easier putting important decisions like that to the back of my mind all the time and just get on with going through life. That's my problem I get too stuck down and too used to the easiness of things, I am also terrible at making decisions. My indecisiveness is definitely my worse trait and something I need to work on!

How does someone change their ways...their ways of acting, their ways of seeing, their ways their works effect someone.

Friday, 1 August 2014


I feel like I am too unsure about a lot of things in my life. Whether it being how I want to dress, look, be like, act like. I am far too indecisive about everything really as well, which frankly annoys me - I annoy myself. I think this sets me back in things I want to do and how I want my life to be like and sadly I regret a lot of decisions I have made so far. Little things like not choosing to just say yes and go for something that is now too late. Unfortunately wishing to go back in time still doesn't work and I was reminding by my brother recently that wishing for things is all well and good but they only come true with hard work and dedication.

I have for a long time wanted to start something like this, a blog or just something I can look back on and note my feelings at that moment. As a photographer, capturing a moment is something that is really important to me and looking back on memories is something I feel extremely content about. As I am about to start my final year of university I feel like time is moving too fast and it is panicking and worrying me that I can't freeze it or go back or really appreciate all the good things. I can't just stop everything for a moment and just take everything in and understand what is happening and come to terms with a lot of things. I feel like within my self I have let a lot of my life just go by very quickly because I become content with how things were. I don't particularly like change a lot of the time and I guess I like the feeling of knowing what I'm going and where I am, I guess that feeling of being safe and just living normally.

Seeing as a photographer I like capturing moments, maybe of others or places, and maybe I should focus on my everyday and try and see that in a more positive way I really like the idea of the 100 Happy Days challenge. It is where you post one photography every day for a 100 days on any social media site of your choice of something, someone, or any other particular thing that days that has brought you any form of happiness. I like the idea of documenting this string of happiness and actually looking for the positives in your life, be in big or small.

Friday, 23 May 2014

First Blog Post.

Hello. My name is Natalie Lois Mitchell and I am 19 years old. My passion in life is for photography and I am currently a second year student studying BA Photography at the University of Hertfordshire. I became interested in photography from around the age of 13 when my Dad - who has a great love a passion for photography also - showed me how to use his Olympus OM 1 film camera. I have also been a person who loved art and creative subjects and as soon as I was introduced to photography in this way I fell in love with it. The way you can capture a second of a moment and freeze it time, how it can be used for great things to make a change, a visual way to convey people's feelings and emotions and how it can contain a memory forever.
After starting my A levels in Photography it soon became apparent to me that this was the only thing that had ever appealed to me to choose to pursue in the future. I applied for five universities and Hertfordshire was the first one I had an interview for and the first one to accept me. I loved the campus as soon as I saw it, the accommodation, the area and the campus life so that was no other choice in my mind.